Hi. I'm not the type of person to usually do a blog but here I am. I have a 20% project for my 2nd period English class at Savanna High School. I am going to post music reviews on here and on youtube. I love music. My dad is a musician and so is most of my family. My uncle is world famous percussionist, Leon Mobley. My family wants me to grow up to be the next musical Mobley. Music has always been apart of me. I am a member of Savanna's symphonic band. I plan to review different types of music, albums, artist , and anything out of the ordinary when it comes to music. I also plan to learn about the music industry. If I plan to be a musician, like my family wants, I'll need to know what it takes to make it in the industry. Me and my fellow group members, Angel and Poyesh, plan to start filming these videos by next week. We are going to rate the albums or songs from 1 to 10 and explain why we gave it that rating. I am really excited for the video taping. I'm not used to writing about myself so these blogs might be weird. I'm not a blogging person but I'll get used to it. I'm supposed to put a picture so here is a funny picture of Kanye West, An artist I plan to review.
Well, you've become a person that blogs and you've done very well for your first one. Just keep up with them. Consider how you will get people to your reviews and where your reviews will be stored and shared from. Keep working.